The Good News Of The Kingdom
The Bible Project has released another brilliant video. This one is about the gospel (or good news) of the kingdom of God.
The Bible Project has released another brilliant video. This one is about the gospel (or good news) of the kingdom of God.
Woflgang Simson considers the command to make disciples who obey all that Jesus commanded. He finds over 70 things that Jesus commanded. What if these things form the constitution of the Kingdom.
Many Christians either cling to the cross or champion the kingdom, usually one to the exclusion of the other. The polarization of these two biblical themes leads to divergent approaches: cross-centered theology that focuses on the salvation of sinners or kingdom-minded activism that seeks to change the world.
How did the church get to this unfortunate place of pitting important biblical doctrines against one another?
Dr. Rob Rienow explains what God’s vision for family is and how your family in particular fits into that plan.
Note: See this earlier post about one of Rob Rienow’s excellent books about family vision and leadership.
Note 2: Rob Rienow is doing a free family ministry webinar on October 16, 2014. Check out the details here.
Every empire of man is built upon a lie.
So when Christ came, he did not bring another empire of men built upon a lie as the liar in the desert tempted.
Instead he brought the Empire of God, Good News!
How was Hitler able to convince Christian soldiers to kill other Christians in Poland, France, and Russia? Hasn’t something gone tragically wrong with the church when Christians can be persuaded to kill other Christians in the name of ideology and nationalism? The enduring catastrophe of Constantine subverting the kingdom of God was that the politics of Jesus were set aside for the interests of empire.
America Was Never a Christian Nation Folks
“We need to take back America for Jesus and make this once again a Christian nation.” How many times have you heard this battle-cry from Christians? It goes something like this:
Our founding fathers founded this country on Christian principles and ever since then, we’ve digressed; and now, because of our bad decisions, we are at a place of immense depravity. And if the Christians don’t lead the way in bringing us back to God, there’s going to be some hell to pay from a wrathful God.
Jesus talked a lot about what life in his Kingdom looks like. His description sounds pretty much the opposite of the worldly culture in which we find ourselves. This comic helps to illustrate this point.
How manifest was Jesus’ destiny as King of God’s kingdom? Not very. Unlike America’s destiny which was proclaimed or made manifest to the nations as exceptional and second to none, Jesus’ kingdom was not very visible or exceptional by human standards.