No One Really Cares About The Palestinian Genocide

Here is what is amazing! Palestinians are experiencing a real genocide and no one cares. Have you even heard one peep from Hollywood or MSNBC about Yarmouk?

Yarmouk Palestinian Refugee camp is under siege by Assad and under attack by ISIS. It has shrunk from 160,000 Palestinians to 18,000 in three years.

Israel tries to stop Hamas from sending rockets against her, and the world is livid. Arabs kill Palestinians in cold blood and hardly a peep. The silence is deafening!


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Catch A Vision For A Peaceful Future From An Arab Israeli Diplomat

George Deek is Arab. He’s also an Israeli diplomat. He’s also a Christian. Is your mind blown yet?

George shares his family’s story of displacement and return as a way to show that people who are often thought of as enemies can become friends by securing a future together. Past wounds and sins can be forgiven and redeemed as God works good from those things which people meant for evil. Indeed, it is possible for this to be a reality, even on the world’s largest geopolitical stage.


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The Church Has A Central Role In Israel’s Spiritual Rebirth

This video offers the perspective of a Jewish believer in Jesus on the topic of God’s plan for Israel and the Church.

Simply put, according to Scripture, the church is the chosen vessel of God to breathe spiritual life back into Israel. Romans chapter 11 reminds us about the mercy that we have received from God through our own salvation, that now we would release that mercy back to Israel. The Jewish people have been supernaturally blinded by God Himself until the appointed time of their redemption (Isaiah 6:9-10).


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There Will Be Peace In Israel When The Prince Of Peace Reigns

Salim Munayer, a Palestinian Christian, shares his story of how his family is pursuing peace with Israel. It comes through unlikely friendships and recognizing the humanity of his neighbors.

Spoiler alert: A common faith in Christ is the key to bringing peace. Also, everyone involved has to understand their primary identity as being a child of God first. All other identities (e.g. Israeli, Palestinian, etc.) are secondary.


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Beware The Anti-Israel Bias Of The Media

With tensions in Israel escalating and more journalistic attention being focused on the situation, it becomes even more important than ever to understand that there is a pervasive and powerful bias in the mainstream media against Israel. The video above offers just one case study in this reality, but many more could be provided. The mere fact that organizations such as Honest Reporting and CAMERA exist is testimony to the fact that this long-standing bias is is alive and well in the media these days.

Note: See also another example calling out the ongoing bias from the NY Times, and yet another example also involving the NY Times.


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Only Weird Christians Support The Nation Of Israel, Right?

After 2,000 years of Replacement Theology, the existence of devout Christians who support the Jewish State of Israel is a mind-blowing reality. Both Jews and Christians involved in this world should not take this support for granted. After all, the vast majority of Christian traditions regard the church and Israel as one-and-the-same, a transcendental entity without borders or boundaries in this world.


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The Disciples Understood God Would Restore Ethnic Israel, So Why Can’t We?

Of course the mystery that is revealed in the New Covenant is that anyone, from any nation, regardless of race, gender or status, can come to the Messiah and receive forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

In the Kingdom there is no second class, but that doesn’t negate the fact that God will keep His promises to the people who brought His Messiah to the nations—Israel.


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10 Myths Preventing Peace In Israel | Calev Myers

This 5 minute video shows how the Israeli Palestinian conflict is an often misunderstood political battleground where facts are mixed with opinion, preference, and prejudice. There’s so much confusion around the conflict that we want to bring light to what is truth and what is myth. What issues are actually standing in the way of bringing peace between the Israelis and Palestinians?


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