What We Learn From The Feast Of Booths

Depending on the neighborhood you live in, you may see some strange little structures built in yards or apartment windows recently. The reason for this is that the biblical Feast of Booths (a.k.a. Sukkot) begins this evening. It will last for the next 8 days, and it will be lots of fun! This previous post explains why Christians should consider observing the biblical festival calendar. The festival of Sukkot is the high point of the annual festival rhythm in the biblical calendar, and it is also an occasion for much joy. Click below to read more about how the celebration of Sukkot can teach us about God’s ways and his plan for reconciling with his children…


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What’s So Christian About Celebrating Jewish Holidays?

With Rosh Hashanah fresh in our minds and Yom Kippur on the horizon, it seems like an appropriate time to pause to ask if Christians should celebrate the biblical holidays.

We should honor the feasts of the Lord because they are replete with symbolism about the full plan of salvation, but not to the point where we give more importance to the mere natural symbols than the glorious supernatural events they symbolized. Yes, we must guard against being too caught up with the “shadow,” when we who are born again are blessed to actually possess the “substance” of what the feasts foretold. The spiritual reality is much more important than the natural foreshadowing.


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