Discrediting The Accredited: Why Bible College Might Not Be So Awesome

No amount of study can prepare you for what the Bible actually is: it is alive, it is real, and it will slice your heart to shreds. Together, my neighbor and I, two opposites on the extreme poles of privilege in America, together we let the Bible read us.

In many ways, I am unlearning much of what was taught to me in higher education. Here, in the actual land of immigrants and poor and tired and huddled masses, neither test scores nor pitch-perfect doctrines matter much at all. I was trained to believe that those who were more educated had a civic duty to go out and teach those who were not. Stratification as a result of education ensued; hierarchy was not merely encouraged, but considered biblical.


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5 Reasons Why You Should Read More Theology Books

Sometimes people shy away from theology books because they find those books too boring or too intellectual or too intimidating. The problem with this thinking, though, is that it means that many people will leave some really great truths undiscovered because they were unwilling to approach the books that contain those truths. Theology books are certainly no replacement for Scripture, but sure can help you mature in your faith.


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Paul’s Idea Of Seminary

Paul lectured, taught, spoke, reasoned, preached, and interacted with students in the school of Tyrannus every day for 2 years! He had interactive “classes” with people which were sometimes practical in the sense of teaching as he did mission AND non-practical in the sense that he was passing on transforming information or data to be used later on in mission. There’s nothing wrong with a class structure so long as it doesn’t become the only structure or the simple acquisition of knowledge.



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